Charlotte Erlanson-Albertson is a professor of appetite control at Lund University in Sweden. Among other things, she researches sugar cravings and confirms that thylakoids from spinach are an effective method - as the thylakoids in spinach stimulate intestinal hormones that suppress sugar cravings.
- The effect starts immediately and becomes stronger and stronger, she says.
What do you know about spinach extract and reduced cravings for sweets?
- If you eat five grams of spinach extract a day, you get reduced cravings for sweets. The effect starts right away and gets stronger and stronger. What in the spinach is what gives that effect?
- It is the thylakoids in the spinach that stimulate intestinal hormones which in turn suppress cravings for sweets. They act in the brain and reduce cravings. How effective are spinach extracts and a product like Aptiless when it comes to reduced sweetness / appetite regulation / weight control?
- It is scientifically proven a very effective method and is better than other tricks.
Studies at Lund University show that thylakoids from spinach delay the breakdown and absorption of the fat found in food. This causes the intestinal hormones to be released and sends saturation signals to the brain. This gives an extended satiety and reduces the craving for snacks or large portions of food. It is described as the same effect of satiety as when consuming regular food. The difference is that thylakoids prolong the feeling of satiety through the slow breakdown of food.
Dietary supplements with thylakoids
Behind the studies are Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, professor of medical and physiological chemistry, and Per-Åke Albertsson, professor of biochemistry at Lund University. As a result of their research, Aptiless is now being launched, a dietary supplement with a high content of thylakoids from spinach.
- Our studies show that thylakoids have many benefits and act as an aid to regain a normal diet. The thylakoids help to reduce intake in a natural way by affecting the body's own satiety functions, says Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.