When it comes to living healthy, consistency is key. If you do not want to feel dull and overweight, you simply have to stop being lazy. To be clear; It is about creating a consistent lifestyle where we choose to promote healthy eating and exercise in our everyday lives - instead of the other way around.
Getting healthier is possible for most people.
How to fix a consistently healthy lifestyle, according to the site MindBodyGreen:
Walk at least 10,000 steps every day
This is the golden rule for consistency. 10,000 steps corresponds to about eight kilometers. Sounds a lot for some and maybe a little for others. Anyway: Here are some tricks to succeed:
Park a good distance away
Use the stairs (stairs are the best - your buttocks will love it!)
Go out with the dog (if you do not have one, borrow one)
Have a lunch box so you have time to walk during half of lunch
Reduce (or eliminate) the sugar Teach your body to be healthy - by being consistent. When you make health a habit, your body learns this and behaves accordingly. If you stay away from sweets for a long period of time, your body will no longer long for them that much and when you eat them you will find that too much sugar tastes awful! Try a piece of 80 percent dark chocolate if you are craving something sweet after dinner.
Eat breakfast - so your body learns more about hunger Too many people have become accustomed to not eating breakfast - which is so important. By eating breakfast every day, you will actually wake up hungry. This is a good thing because it means that your body expects food and thus has already started your metabolism.
Sweat every day! Our body's cooling system is amazing. We get rid of heat through sweating. If you are a consistent exerciser, your body feels what is needed and will start to cool you down immediately. If, on the other hand, your body is not used to work, you will become overheated, due to the body's experience of your consequence so far, that is, it thinks that it does not need to sweat because it still never moves. This will change if you do something about it. Remember: We get good at what we train on. If we practice lying on the sofa, that's what we get good at. Likewise with the running round, no matter how brave it feels in the beginning.
Eat clean, healthy food (think long-term, not short-term) Okay, sometimes we need short-term goals because we like to compete with ourselves and to see - and feel - more drastic results. So things like a 10-day juice detox, a month completely devoid of carbs or sugar do not have to be wrong. But. What you really need is a consistently healthier diet that you can sustain for life. Think clean and healthy. Think as additive-free as possible, think organic, GMO-free, less sugar, less salt, less alcohol and no starch after 18.00.
Be active during the day! (Keywords: "daily workout") An hour at the gym does not mean an active lifestyle. Getting to the gym routinely, however, is great and is recommended. To say, however, that it is enough to call your lifestyle "active" is not true, at least not if it concerns people who for the rest of the day just sit still at their desk, sit in their car or lie on their couch. Consistency during the day will help you both achieve better shape - and maintain it.
Have fun and do not take everything so seriously (Think: the 80-20 rule) Consistency can be achieved by sticking to your healthy lifestyle 80 percent of the time. Everyone needs a day to relax from stress and pressure from time to time. Remember: a single hard workout does not make you strong - and a day without weights does not ruin everything. So do not let those moments make you feel guilty - enjoy your life! Enjoying is at least as important to your health as anything else, probably the most important thing.
Get better at resisting temptation - start today A healthy meal does not make you healthy and lean and a unhealthy meal does not make you fat either. It is - again - consequence that achieves this. When people tell their friends or their PT how they eat, it usually sounds pretty healthy. At the same time, we complain that we do not lose weight. How is it related? The answer is simple: most people trick themselves into eating healthier than they do. Remember: choosing a salad for lunch two days ago will not get you to your destination. What will yield results - and also increase your ability to resist temptation - is to consistently choose better alternatives. And do not wait until Monday, or until after the holidays, or until after your friend Jenny's 50th birthday party - start now!
Drink water consistently throughout the day
Your body needs water whether you exercise or not. When training, it is just extra important. If you do not get enough water in your body before training, you will not get as much out of the workout. Info: Blood provides oxygen to your muscles and brain. Blood consists of a large amount of water. If you do not have the fluid depots refilled, it is more difficult for you to get oxygen where it is needed. The rule is simple: the more you sweat, the more water you should drink. And if you drink coffee or alcohol, you should also increase your daily water intake.
Treat yourself sometimes if you want - but let it be special
This can mean, for example, occasionally letting a pizza slip down - but in moderation.
Remember: if you practice being moderate, you will get better at it.
Being consistently moderate is probably perhaps the biggest key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.